Fleet Vehicles
- Preperation for repainting
- Rust removal
- Painted branding removal
- Asphalt & Concrete restoration
- Bridge restoration
- Bridge paint removal
- Equipment cleaning
- Fire damage
- Graffiti removal
- Road stripe removal
- Boxcar restoration
- Equipment cleaning
- Exterior restoration
- Graffiti removal
- Rust and corrosion removal
- Tank car cleaning
- Train platform restoration
Water Treatment Plants
- Cleaning
- Stain removal
- Rust and mineral build up removal
- Surface preparation for new coatings
Offices and Buildings
- Graffiti removal
- Exterior surface restoration
- Paint removal
- Road & parking stripe removal
- Stucco cement restoration
- Stain Removal
Arts and Heritage Restoration
- Rust removals
- Surface preparation
- Stain Removal
- Concrete restoration
- Equipment cleaning
- Graffiti removal
- Monument restoration
- Park benches
- Playgrounds
- Parking stripe removal
- Rust removal
- Swimming pool paint removal
- Tennis court surface removal
- Wood and metal restoration
- Stain Removal

WozBuilt can remove painted lines from highways, streets, pavement, concrete, fire lanes and parking lots!
Pollution is especially hard on buildings made with tyndall stone or lime stone, but WozBuilt can easily wash and clean them with our equipment without any damage to the stone.

Removing graffiti from bridges, buildings, parks or playgrounds is easy with our specialized blasters.
City art projects, whether made of bronze, concrete or metal can be cleaned to look like new again.

Old city tennis courts can be blasted and prepared for new paint or WozBuilt
can apply a new cork product over the old concrete finishing the job.